Ukraine on the Global Stage

Volt Україна прагне підтримувати сильний та об'єднаний ЄС, вирішальним елементом якого сьогодні є сильна та розвинена оборонна стратегія. Повномасштабне вторгнення 2022 року ще раз довело важливість та ефективність об'єднаних союзницьких сил. Для забезпечення і підтримки належного функціонування альянсу необхідно враховувати кожен голос.

Volt Ukraine strives to support a strong and unified EU, the crucial element of which nowadays is a strong and developed defense strategy. The full-scale invasion of 2022 has once again proven the importance and effectiveness of unified allied forces. To ensure and maintain the proper functioning of the alliance every voice needs to be taken into account.


5+1 Challenges by Volt Europa

Volt has identified 5+1 fundamental challenges that need to be overcome in each European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5+1 challenges?

The 5 Challenges are basically the same for each country, but their implementation can be adapted at the national level to reflect local reality.

Challenge +1 - our proposal for reforming and strengthening the EU - is identical for all our national chapters.

Read our Electoral Moonshot Programme
  • 01


    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02


    An innovative economy must be the engine of society's progress

  • 03


    No-one should be left behind - no matter their gender, income, religion, or origin

  • 04


    Europe needs to assume responsibility for its role in global challenges

  • 05


    People must be empowered to influence politics beyond elections alone

  • +1


    We love the EU - this doesn't mean there is no room for improvement