Henk van Donselaar had a meeting with Laurens Dassen, Volt Netherlands

The Dutch parlamentarian from Volt Netherlands Laurens Dassen met with Henk van Donselaar, the Community Advisor for Volt Ukraine before his trip to Ukraine. During the meeting they discussed the enhancement of support for Ukraine and Ukrainians provided by the Netherlands. Quoting the Dassen's press release:

Apr 14, 2024

In recent days I have been on an impressive trip to Ukraine with other MPs.

In two days we visited various locations including Kyiv and Chernihiv.

We spoke with members of the Ukrainian Parliament about the current state of the war, the dire shortage of artillery and anti-aircraft defenses and about EU accession.

They shared their concerns about support from the West. Of course, there are concerns about the lack of an American support package.

But also about the speed at which Europe supplies military equipment. It was therefore bitter to be thanked on the one hand for everything the Netherlands has done, while we know that it is in reality too little.

It is important that we realize that [Ukrainians] pay the great price for our freedom and security.

And thus deserve our unconditional support.
